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In the developing world, there are several factors that create roadblocks to a child's education. The countries that have the lowest enrollment rates are generally those that do not have free, universal primary and secondary education. Where primary education is free, enrollement rates are high but many children do not continue on to secondary school due to high school fees, or because they are forced to work or stay home to take care of siblings.


Lack of proper school facilities and transportation in rural areas often makes it difficult for children to attend school regularly. In addition, there is generally a shortage of qualified teachers. Diseases such as HIV and Malaria have a significant impact on home life, as does hunger, posing further challenges to a child's education.


IHF's primary goal is to help children in developing countries gain the benefit of a complete education. We believe education creates change, not only improving the life of an individual child but also contributing to the development of the child's community and their country.

International Hand Foundation (IHF) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, and our specific purpose is to provide charitable assistance to communities in developing countries that are suffering from extreme poverty. We seek to provide educational opportunities to children in those communities.



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